Friday, October 2, 2009

A end to the Sexual Violence

The article I have chosen deals with a huge problem that has occurred countless times during the existence of human beings and it continues to take place throughout our world, sexual violence in war zones. From the beginning of the time men have wrongfully and unjustly dehumanized women and children by sexually harassing and raping them. I strongly agree with this article that it is time to put a stop to the sexual violence that takes place in war zones, as well as everywhere across the world. I believe that these acts of sexual behavior are the most criminal weapons used in ripping apart the lives of, not only, the victim but also the whole community and eventually all of human kind. I strongly agree with Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, that “It is time for all of us to assume our responsibility to go beyond condemning this behavior to taking concrete steps to end it, to make it socially unacceptable, to recognize it is not cultural, it is criminal. We must act now to end this crisis." The fact that both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have both stepped up to voice their opinions, on this topic, and have acknowledge that this is huge problem makes me extremely proud to be a citizen of this country. But, I know to truly put a end to violence in war zones around the world it is time that the leaders of every nation step up to protect the rights women and children across our wonderful planet.

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